
Phone: (972) 923-4690


Degrees and Certifications:

🎓 Undergraduate degree, Stephen F. Austin State University 🎓 Graduate degree, Educational Leadership, Texas A&M University

Normel Gilliam, M.Ed.


Normel Gilliam proudly serves WISD as principal at Turner Pre-Kindergarten Academy.  An East Texas native, she has taught middle school and high school science at Jefferson ISD and has been in campus administration since 2017.  She earned her bachelor's degree at Stephen F. Austin State University and her master's in educational leadership from Texas A&M University.  Normel lives here in Waxahachie with her daughter Noelle, who attends school at WISD.  Ms. Gilliam is honored to be the principal of Turner Pre-Kindergarten Academy and excited to lead such a wonderful group of students and staff!


Turner PK is truly the place where innovation thrives and growth is limitless!

Assistant Principal

Phone: (972) 923-4690


Degrees and Certifications:

Debbie Gish