Community Outreach
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Volunteer and Visit
Each year, thousands of volunteers transcend upon Waxahachie schools to assist teachers and staff in continuing with the district's tradition of "Excellence in Education." Since the Partners in Education program began, more than 400,000 hours of volunteer time have been donated to the Waxahachie Independent School District. Additionally, more than 300 local and regional businesses come together throughout the year to work with the Partners in Education office. The companies are critical to the success of our children and the district's mission of "Excellence in Education."
Record Hours in the Volunteer Portal
All volunteers are required to register each year before volunteering in Waxahachie schools.
Community Outreach
411 N. Gibson Street
Waxahachie, Texas 75165
Volunteer Portal Tips
Adopt a Class
Businesses, service organizations, and churches can partner with WISD by adopting classrooms to enrich class experiences and support teachers and students. Through the Adopt-a-Class Program, (applications accepted June-August), students benefit from a wealth of interaction from community volunteers. The Adopt a Class initiative helps strengthen ties between our local community and our schools.
Drop Everything & Read Day
Parents, community members, business leaders, and students are invited to be guest readers on campuses from pre-kindergarten through 5th grade. Over 500 readers participate in this exciting, one-day event each spring that encourages the value of reading. Readers are reading at the same time during three different reading times over the course of the day. Generous donations are made by the community to purchase new books that are placed in the classroom for this event.
Go van Gogh
Go van Gogh, a fine arts program brought to us by the Dallas Museum of Art is presented to students in grades first through fifth with grade-level appropriate presentations being made. Go Van Gogh is available to public and private schools within the Dallas city limits. Waxahachie ISD is one of only 4 other districts in the metroplex that are part of this satellite program. A local group of trained, dedicated and talented volunteers give a brief slide presentation discussing art history and special facts about art pieces actually found in the DMA. Volunteers then work with students on art projects related to the slide presentation. The Dallas Museum of Art provides free family passes to the DMA for students to take home. Waxahachie ISD has been part of this program for decades.
Grandfriends Week
Grandparents, great-grandparents, grandfriends, and grandneighbors are invited to join students for lunch and then return to the classroom for a short time of reading and storytelling. This event encourages intergenerational relationships. Grandfriends join students during one week designated in September following Grandparents Day. Guests participate on all elementary and junior high campuses as well as the childcare center. Each year, thousands of Grandfriends join students in WISD schools.
Guest Speaker/Career Day
Community members and parents are invited and encouraged to speak in classrooms about careers, travel, military experiences, and hobbies that would fit appropriately with the curriculum in the classroom. Leaders are encouraged to participate in Career Day Events to discuss career paths and opportunities.
Parents and community members are encouraged to participate in a mentoring program that focuses on relationships. Mentors serve as role models and friends while offering support and encouragement. Mentors are given training on how to best communicate with students. The mentoring relationship takes place only on school property and during school hours. The WISD Mentoring program is available throughout the district on WISD campuses.
Parent Teacher Organizations
Parent-Teacher Organizations are available on all elementary and junior high campuses. Each campus has many PTO-related volunteer opportunities available.
Waxahachie ISD has great booster club support in academic, athletic, band, cheerleading, choir, theatre arts, and drill team areas. Partners in Education works with PTO through its Parent Council Organization. This organization is represented by PTO Presidents from each campus and meets approximately five times a year. Partners in Education has great support on every campus through the work of a Campus and Parent Volunteer Coordinator determined by each principal. The WISD Partners in Education Director works closely with campus coordinators throughout the school year.
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- Administration
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- Becca Lockridge