Guidance Counseling

  • teen girl smiling at woman holding ipadSchool counselors are available at each of our WISD campuses to support our 10,000+ students and their families with their guidance counseling needs.  The role of the school counselor is to provide social and emotional support while fostering a safe and caring environment for our WISD students.  We strive to empower our WISD students with mental wellness, to graduate from high school, to become college and career-ready, and to inspire our students to ultimately be successful and responsible citizens.


    WISD Mental Wellness Initiatives


    Texas law TEC § 33.005 requires school counselors to integrate key components through a comprehensive school guidance program, which is included in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, which is published by the Texas Counseling Association in accordance with its licensing agreement with the Texas Education Agency.

Essential Role of Counselors


      Junior High

      High School

      Key Components

      • Guidance Curriculum

      • Individual Academic Planning

      • Responsive Services

      • System Support

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