Pregnancy Related Services


      • Waxahachie ISD supports our pregnant and parenting students through our Pregnancy Related Services department. Pregnancy-Related Services are support services that a pregnant student receives during the pregnancy, prenatal and postpartum periods and are available to our students to help support their developing needs as young parents.  This program is designed to help students adjust academically, mentally, and physically and stay in school.


        These services are delivered to a student when:

        • the student is pregnant and attending classes on a district campus;
        • the pregnancy prenatal period prevents the student from attending classes on a district campus; and
        • the pregnancy postpartum period prevents the student from attending classes on a district campus.


        Examples of support services that Waxahachie ISD offers:

        1. Counseling services, including the initial session when the student discloses the pregnancy;
        2. Health services from the school nurse and certified athletic trainer;
        3. Assist students to find transportation for the student or the student’s children to school, child care facility, community service agencies, health services, etc.;
        4. Instruction (inside or outside the classroom) related to parenting knowledge and skills, including child development, home, and family living, and appropriate job readiness training;
        5. Child care for the student's children;
        6. Schedule modifications (see 9.18 Quality Control); and
        7. Case management and service coordination (assistance in obtaining services from government agencies and community service organizations).

      Compensatory Education Home Instruction

      • CEHI provides academic services to the student at home or hospital bedside when a valid medical necessity for confinement during the pregnancy, prenatal or postpartum periods prevents the student from attending classes on a district campus. CEHI must consist of face-to-face contact with a certified teacher of the district providing academic services to the student.


        Visit the Texas Education Agency-Pregnancy Related Services webpage for more information on Pregnancy-Related Services.

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