Teaching, Learning & Innovation
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Teaching, Learning, and Innovation
The TLI team is dedicated to ensuring quality teaching and learning through a coordinated and aligned curriculum and assessment support. We strive to provide purposeful, embedded professional development, insurance of quality classroom instruction for all students, and proven instructional strategies, including the seamless integration of technology tools in ways that impact engagement and learning for all students.
Teaching, Learning, and Innovation51 Northgate Drive
Waxahachie, TX 75165
(972) 923-4727
(972) 923-4739 fax
Principles for Success
The team has identified the following guiding principles to help ensure success across the district:
- A focus on student achievement and the quality of instruction
- Adoption of and commitment to district-wide performance standards
- Development and adoption of district-wide curricula and approaches to instruction
- Alignment of curriculum, teaching and learning materials, and assessment to relevant standards
- Multi-measure accountability systems and system-wide use of data to inform practice, keep the focus on results, and monitor progress
- Investment in instructional leadership development
- A focus on district-wide, job-embedded professional development and support for teachers
- A district-wide emphasis on teamwork and professional community