STEM Education

  • nise logoWilemon STEAM Academy is a Kindergarten through fifth-grade lottery elementary school in Waxahachie ISD.  Wilemon STEAM Academy is currently the third school in the nation to have all teachers National Institute of STEM Education Certified, as well as hold the National Institute of STEM Education Campus Certification.  Wilemon students and staff believe in a Growth Mindset, and that failure is the First Attempt In Learning.  Wilemon utilizes makerspaces throughout the building as an extension of students' learning. Wilemon students and staff are passionate learners and believe that we never stop growing. 

Unique Learning Spaces

  • Wilemon has three makerspace areas that were generously funded by a grant from the Dart Foundation - Tinker Studio, REC Room, and Design Den. Two additional makerspace areas include Creation Station and the LEGO Wall. These unique learning spaces create opportunities for students to extend their learning outside of the classroom. 

Growth Mindset


      • infographic describes campus vision and mission as described in alt text tab

      Text Alternative

      • Wilemon STEAM Academy equips and empowers students to embrace a growth mindset through critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication to positively impact their world.
        • Wilemon will create an innovative learning environment in which students thrive, using critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration to solve real-world problems and promote career awareness.
        • Through a focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, students will use the Engineering Design Process (Define the Problem, Plan Solution, Make a Prototype, Test the Prototype, and Reflet and Redesign) to engage in project-based learning which will enrich their understanding or mastering the state standards.
        • Wilemon will embrace that failure is a "First Attempt at Learning," a growth mindset, and that "the power of YET" will create personal resiliency to enhance our success.
        • Wilemon staff will encourage and guide students to find their inner passion through exploration, inquiry, and real-world experiences.
        • Wilemon staff and students will invest in communities through partnerships, and give our time, talents, and resources to create global footprints and become responsible citizens.