Welcome Back
We are excited to welcome Waxahachie High School students and begin the school year strong. Please review the information regarding policies and procedures at WHS.
Student safety is our main priority. We ask that you drop off and pick up your students in the designated area only, on the east side of WHS in the area marked “Student Entrance.” To expedite the drop-off process at Waxahachie High School, students should be ready to exit the vehicle promptly when they arrive at the front of the line. Please do not stop the line from moving in order to take photos, etc. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we begin the new school year and work to ensure the drop-off and pick-up process goes smoothly for all families.
WHS students utilizing WISD bus transportation will be dropped off and picked up on the west side of WHS, in the area marked “Buses Only.” Please review the WHS Traffic Flow map for details.
Incoming 9th-grade students are encouraged to arrive 45 minutes early at first-year student orientation to collect their photo ID and electronic device. Electronic devices will be issued to WHS 10th, 11th, and 12th, grade students during the first week of school.
Students are expected to be appropriately attired according to the dress code while they are on campus.
Students who plan to drive to Waxahachie High School must purchase a WHS Parking Permit. Cars parked at WHS without a valid Parking Permit on display will be tagged.