Early Indicator of College & Career Readiness

  • PreACT assessments offer students an early experience with ACT test items, provide a predicted ACT test score, and offers a wealth of information to help students get the start they need to be college-ready.

    • Test results can be used as a measure of college readiness that predicts how students may perform in entry-level college English, math, and science courses.
    • Most students who take the exam and/or practice tests improve their scores each time.
    • Some students who perform well on college entrance exams also receive scholarship money (though not for the practice ACT).
    • The Pre-ACT gauges how students stack up against grade-level peers across the nation and identifies strengths and growth areas.



  • Registration and payment deadline

    • Tuesday, October 31, 2023
    • 4:00 p.m.
    • Pre-ACT exams will be ordered at the conclusion of registration.
    • Late registrations are not accepted.
    • Exams will not be ordered for students who neglect to complete their registration and payment before the deadline.
    • Please email Eric McCarty with questions about the school-day Pre-ACT at WHS.

Practice ACT

  • The School Day Pre-ACT Administration

    • Wednesday, November 8, 2023
    • On campus
    • During the school day
