
  •  Vehicle use in the WHS parking lot

    Vehicles parked on school property are under the jurisdiction of the school.  The school reserves the right to search any vehicle if a reasonable cause exists with or without the presence of the student.  Students take full responsibility for the security of their vehicles and contents.  Students will make certain vehicles are locked and the keys are not given to others. Students are responsible for any prohibited objects or substances, such as alcohol, drugs, and weapons that are found in cars and will be subject to disciplinary action.

    • The Student Parking Lot is not for dropping off or picking up students.
    • All students with cars must purchase parking permits. Permits are valid for the current school year. The cost of the first parking permit is $25 per student. Parking Permit Application.
    • Present the permit application, a copy of proof of insurance, and the $25 fee to the front office.  Checks addressed to WISD with a driver's license and phone numbers noted are accepted.

    Pay Online

    • The sale or transfer of permits between students or to any other car is prohibited.
    • Permit tags should be placed on the driver's side of the window of the vehicle.
    • Parking in Fire Lanes, handicapped spaces (without a permit), loading zones, traffic lanes, or driveways is strictly prohibited.
    • Cars must be parked within the designated space. Do not back into spaces. Students should not park in such a manner as to block or damage another student’s car.
    • Students are not allowed in any WHS parking lot other than the student lot or designated overflow areas. When arriving on campus, park your car, unload the occupants and proceed immediately inside the building. Loitering is not allowed.
    • Loud radios, mufflers, or other noises (including unwarranted horn blowing) are not permitted.
    • Smoking, tobacco, or alcohol use is not allowed on campus. This includes parking lots.
    • Littering is not allowed. All trash will be put into litter barrels. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action, including loss of parking privileges.
    • Students leaving campus without the school’s written permission will be subject to loss of parking privileges, and/or disciplinary measures as deemed appropriate by the principal.
    • School authorities have the right to revoke parking permits and suspend parking privileges from students for repeated violations. See the Handbook.
    • No refunds will be given as a result of a permit being revoked.


    Parking lot violations will be handled with disciplinary procedures.


    These rules apply to all student drivers, including area students that are attending vocational classes.  Area students must use the graveled parking lot east of the Vocational Building.  Please complete, sign and date the application form. Retain this portion for future reference.


    What to do if you are involved in an accident in the parking lot? 

    If you are involved in an accident on school property, you must tell a Security Officer or a principal immediately. Do not drive away or you could be charged with a Hit and Run.