

      • man and woman at hotel deskPersons authorized to travel for business and educational purposes on behalf of Waxahachie ISD (the “District”) shall be reimbursed for all usual and reasonable travel-related expenses made on behalf of and in connection with District business.


        • A purchase order must be processed before registering for any event or conference.
        • The Employee Travel and Fees Reimbursement Form should be completed before travel takes place to estimate encumbrances. If prior approval was not granted, the district may deny reimbursement to the employee.
        • Waxahachie ISD follows a singular travel policy model that includes the same procedures and guidelines for both general operating and federally funded travel.
        • Employees are expected to select the most economical and practical accommodations, arrangements, and services.
        • All travel expenses shall comply with federal, state, and local guidelines.
        • A staff pre-approval request form must be submitted by our campuses to the Assistant Superintendents of Elementary and Secondary Leadership.


      • Refer to the GSA Travel Resources website to locate the maximum allowed rates for in & out-of-state lodging.


        • An itemized hotel receipt is required upon return.
        • For travel within the state of Texas, you must provide the hotel with the Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate as state taxes will not be reimbursed.
        • Hotel charges that are not eligible for reimbursement are room service delivery charges, valet parking when self-parking is available, and phone charges.
        • The district will not reimburse for lodging if the event is within 50 miles of the employee’s home address.
        • For travel outside of Texas, school board approval is required.
        • Any cost above the GSA maximum allowable rate is the responsibility of the traveler.
        • A purchase order and the Employee Travel and Fees Reimbursement form with all required signatures will need to be submitted to the Accounts Payable department about 2-3 weeks in advance so that a check can be issued and sent back to your campus.
        • If a hotel does not accept check payment, please contact the Accounts Payable department to make other arrangements.

      Personal Vehicle

      • All employees must submit an electronic map, Google or similar, calculating the shortest round-trip distance for the approved trip.


        • This map is to be submitted with the request for mileage reimbursement.
        • The maximum mileage reimbursement rate for the use of privately owned automobiles is the current State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts maximum mileage rate.
        • The current rate can be found on the Texas CPA TexTravel website.
        • If multiple employees are traveling to the same event, they must plan to travel together in as few vehicles as practical.
        • When multiple vehicles are traveling to the same destination for personal convenience, only the minimally required mileage will be reimbursed.


      • Employees will be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals up to $59.00 per full day.


        • Travel day allotments are not to exceed:
          • Breakfast - $13
          • Lunch - $16
          • Dinner - $30
        • Per diem for meals are not allowed.
        • The actual meal expenses must be submitted.
        • The Meal Reimbursement Form must be filled out in its entirety after the trip and submitted with itemized, legible meal receipts within 10 days of return.
        • Do not submit credit card receipts because they lack itemization.
          • Credit card receipts are unacceptable unless accompanied by a detailed accounting from the employee of the menu items purchased with pricing to agree to the total.
        • Employees traveling with students may request a per diem advance for the students.
          • The sponsor’s meals are to be submitted as a final reimbursement.

      Unallowable Expenses

        • Travel club membership fees, miscellaneous incidentals, entertainment, alcoholic beverages, in room movies and other personal expenses are not reimbursable. The employee is responsible for all fees associated with any of these expenses.
        • No expenses associated with an employee’s spouse or children who accompany an employee on a district funded trip are reimbursable.
        • Employees are not allowed to use student activity club accounts for membership dues or convention travel. Such expenses should be reimbursed by the district’s budgetary accounts.
        • Employees may not use district funds for the reimbursement of additional liability insurance. Any additional insurance the employee wishes to have during a district sponsored out of town event is the responsibility of the employee.
        • An employee wishing to participate in the optional meals or activities offered by a conference or convention is responsible for the fees associated with such an event and must submit a personal check payable to the organization for those expenses.
        • Conference apparel (T-shirts, etc.)
        • Entertainment, recreation, or social events
        • Any expense that does not relate to official school business.
        • Expenses not supported by an original itemized receipts when receipts are required.
        • First class airfare
        • Hotel valet parking will not be reimbursed unless it is the only option for parking.