Acting Superintendent of Schools

Phone: (972) 923-4631


Degrees and Certifications:

🎓 Undergraduate degree, University of Texas at Austin 🎓Graduate degree, West Texas A&M University 🎓Doctorate, Dallas Baptist University

Dr. David Averett


Dr. Averett has more than 30 years of experience in public education, beginning as a teacher in Waxahachie ISD before moving on to serve other districts in various adminstrative roles. He returned to Waxahachie ISD in 2019 as the Executive Director of Secondary Learning, was promoted in 2021 to Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Leadership, and was promoted to Associate Superintendent of Educational Operations in 2024.


Dr. Averett is a graduate of Waxahachie High School. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin, a master's degree from West Texas A&M University, and a doctorate from Dallas Baptist University. Dr. Averett and his wife, Traci, are the parents of Tyler, a 2023 graduate of Waxahachie High School, and Tatum, a current WHS student.



Degrees and Certifications:



      • Administration
      • Lumpkins
      • TLI
      Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"


      Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"