Drop Off & Pick Up Instructions

  • aerial shot of schoolStudent Drop-Off (AM)
    • Students arriving before 8:00 AM need to be dropped off by the west side of the cafeteria. Please see the red line on the map.
    • Students must exit the vehicle after the vehicle has moved through the turnaround so the vehicle is closest to the building. This is the only open door for drop-off before 8:00 AM.
    • Students dropped off after 8:00 AM will need to be dropped off in the front of the building. Please see the orange line. The front door is the only door that will be open after 8:00 AM.
    • The yellow lines indicate the paths for students to take to enter the building.
    • For security and safety reasons students will not be allowed to leave campus or walk to one of the local businesses after being dropped off. Students must go into the cafeteria once arriving at school.
    Student Pick-Up (PM)
    • Please pick up students from the front of the building – see the orange line.
    • Please be aware of the shuttle bus. It will also use the front drive-through.