Early College Program

  • An Early College High School offers scholars the opportunity to graduate simultaneously with a high school diploma and an associate degree, for free.  The Waxahachie ISD ECHS is hosted through a partnership with Navarro College and operates at Global High School.  The Texas Education Agency has developed a designation process for Early College High Schools. The designation process ensures that school districts operating Early College High School campuses maintain the integrity of the model, which was researched and designed to specifically target and serve students who might not otherwise attend college. The TEA Early College High School Blueprint, which guides the designation process, includes six benchmarks.  Benchmarks provide foundational principles and standards for innovative partnerships with colleges and universities.


    Learn more about the ECHS Program

FCCLA Contest


        Target Population

        • Admission Policy & Enrollment Application

        • Recruitment Plan

        • Brochure

        • Communication Plan

        • Handbook Addendum

        • Enrollment Documents to Bring

        • Interview & TSI Testing

        Partner Agreements

        Leadership Initiatives

        • ECHS/IHE Leadership Meetings

        • School Board Presentations

        • Committee Member Descriptions & Roles

        Curriculum & Support

        Academic Rigor & Readiness

        • TSI Test Administration

        • Aggregate Report of TSI Exam Performance

        • Tutoring Schedule

        • Bridge Program Curricula

        School Design

        • Under construction.