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We Value Digital Inclusion
Waxahachie Independent School District is committed to providing an inclusive digital experience for all individuals. We endeavor to ensure all users have an equal opportunity to access information presented online and are constantly striving to improve the accessibility standards of our websites. The district's websites are designed to ensure that people with disabilities can effectively access, understand, navigate, and interact. In our effort to provide a fully accessible and optimized user experience, WISD has taken careful measures to ensure an exemplary user experience, regardless of the assistive technology used to access our sites or the abilities of individuals seeking access to information on the sites. If you require additional assistance or have barriers to information within the sites, please submit your feedback.
WISD will make appropriate accommodations to facilitate access to any website content.
Web Accessibility Guidelines
Waxahachie ISD has leveraged Web Content Accessibility Guidelines as a reference to ensure the web content made available from district sites is more accessible for individuals with disabilities and user-friendly for all. These globally recognized best practices as recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium consist of three levels of accessibility measurement. To the greatest extent feasible, WISD conforms to Level AA of these guidelines. The policy aligns with:
- WISD's mission is to provide an excellent education for every student.
- WISD's goal is to close opportunities and achievement gaps through pervasive learner-focused support.
- WISD has obligations described under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
- Further obligations as stipulated by the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 together with its 2008 Amendments.
- WISD offers an Equal Education Opportunity as explained in Board Policy FB (Local)
While we strive to ensure our content is accessible, if the alternate formats are not sufficient and our sites present a challenge for individuals with disabilities, please submit your feedback. When requesting assistance via email, please include "Accessibility" in the subject line. Also, include the following when communicating with WISD regarding accessibility issues:
- The nature of your accessibility needs;
- The webpage address of the content you are trying to access;
- The preferred format you would like to receive the material; and
- The best way to contact you (email address, phone number, or both).
External Links
The information contained on Waxahachie ISD websites has been included for general informational purposes only. Throughout district sites, third-party websites are referenced for the convenience of users. These sites, which are not controlled by Waxahachie ISD, may present challenges for individuals with disabilities that we are not able to control or remedy. Waxahachie ISD does not assume nor is it responsible for any liability and cannot guarantee that quality content standards will be maintained on these linked websites or servers. Any posted information with external website links listed on our websites shall not be taken as a recommendation or endorsement by Waxahachie ISD.