COVID Response

  • covid virusMarch 31, 2022

    The district has experienced a very low rate of COVID cases (three or fewer at one time) for more than five weeks. We have made the decision to discontinue the COVID Dashboard. However, the district is still tracking cases in compliance with state regulations. If you have any questions about COVID cases in Waxahachie ISD, please email the Health & Wellness Director, Melissa Bousquet.


In-Person Instruction

      Continuity of Services


      • Does the district plan to put a mask mandate in place?

        Posted by:

        Governor Abbott’s executive order strictly forbids all governmental entities in Texas, including public school districts, from enforcing any type of mask mandate. While we’re aware of some districts across the state who have defied the governor’s order, the Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling on August 26 reinforcing the current statewide effectiveness of the Governor’s order. We will continue to abide by the governor’s order against mask mandates, just as we followed the governor’s order mandating masks during the 2020-2021 school year. Masks and face coverings are optional for all students and staff members.

        Comments (-1)
      • Is my child allowed to wear a mask to school?

        Posted by:

        Absolutely. Masks and other face coverings may be worn by any student or staff member who wishes to wear them, and we are committed to ensuring that no one is treated differently for his or her choice to wear or not wear a face covering. 

        Comments (-1)
      • What is the district doing to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases?

        Posted by:

        We continue to clean all district facilities daily with hospital-grade disinfectants. We continue to encourage students and staff to wash their hands frequently and distance themselves whenever possible.

        Comments (-1)
      • What are your cleaning protocols on campus?

        Posted by:

        Staff members have access to hospital-grade disinfectants to sanitize throughout the day. In addition, all campuses and facilities are disinfected each day with hospital-grade disinfectant fog.

        Hand sanitizer is available throughout our campuses and facilities, and frequent handwashing and sanitizing is encouraged for students and staff.

        Comments (-1)
      • Are there available resources in the area for COVID-19 testing or vaccines?

        Posted by:

        There are many available resources throughout our community for both. HEB offers both vaccines and over-the-counter rapid tests that can be performed at home, as do many other local pharmacies. ALTUS ER, CVS, and Baylor Scott & White are all COVID testing locations. 

        Comments (-1)
      • What are the district’s COVID numbers right now?

        Posted by:

        We will update our COVID Dashboard each day by the end of the day with the most current data. It is available on our website here

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      • Does the district plan to implement online learning?

        Posted by:

        The districts that are offering online learning are primarily much larger districts in which they are able to staff an entire campus dedicated solely to virtual instruction. TEA has made it very difficult for small and mid-sized districts to offer online learning. We are not able to offer synchronous online learning, which means that your child’s current teacher could not also be his or her online teacher. To offer online learning, we would have to hire a new, separate teaching staff, which our district can’t afford. 

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      • If my child has to be absent from school, can they receive work so they don’t fall behind?

        Posted by:

        We will work with families to the greatest extent possible to ensure they can keep learning and growing while they are absent, though we will not be able to provide a true online learning experience.

        For elementary students, assignments will be shared via SeeSaw, and secondary students’ assignments will be shared via Google Classroom for them to complete as they are able during their absence.

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      • Does the district plan to limit attendance at athletic events or other events?

        Posted by:

        At this time, we do not plan to limit attendance at district events, but this is something we will continue to evaluate. We will comply with any state or local guidance regarding event attendance. 

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