Bond 2023
The 2023 Waxahachie ISD Bond Proposal is based on a comprehensive plan developed by a committee of WISD stakeholders who gathered for eight meetings from February 2022 to December 2022. The committee was composed of representatives with various perspectives, including parents, students, staff members, grandparents, business leaders, civic leaders, volunteers, retirees, community members, and WISD alumni.
After studying and considering the Long Range Planning Committee's plan, the Board of Trustees voted on February 13 and called for a bond election on May 6, 2023. After the election results were officially canvassed and certified, Waxahachie ISD began phase one of the Board-adopted 17,000+ Student Plan.
The bond package for the community's consideration included:
Proposition A - 192,284,113
Neighborhood Elementary School #10
Neighborhood Elementary School #11
New Wilemon STEAM Academy
Expansion of Hancock Building (to become Coleman Junior High)
Expansion of Finley Junior High
Expansion of Howard Junior High
Land for Future School SitesProposition B - $322,072,031
Comprehensive High School #2Proposition C - $60,689,843
Facility Upgrades Throughout DistrictProposition D - $19,950,000
Athletic Improvements at Waxahachie High SchoolTotal cost of all propositions: $594,995,987
Waxahachie Voted Yes
Yes to Propositions A, B & C